Bowser-Morner’s expertise helps builders, producers, and manufacturers manage risks, avoid problems, maintain project schedules, and recover more quickly from set-backs.

It's rare to find experts in geotechnical engineering, civil engineering, construction materials, metals, aggregates, and analytical chemistry all under the same roof. Our diversity of clients, projects, and staff gives Bowser-Morner a deep understanding of our customers’ business, construction, and manufacturing processes. Our combined knowledge of regional materials, construction techniques, and structural performance—both good and bad—give us the ability to offer practical, proven solutions that deliver peace of mind.

Beginning as a small chemistry lab in Dayton, Ohio in 1911, Bowser-Morner offered analysis of cement, coal, oil, iron and steel, the primary industrial materials of that age. Over the years, we have continually adapted to meet our clients’ changing needs for reliable materials-related information and solutions:

  • In 1927 Bowser-Morner purchased its first concrete testing machine to provide quality control services for the construction industry.
  • In 1937 Bowser-Morner became a charter member of the American Council of Independent Laboratories to advocate for quality standards and professional ethics in the testing industry.
  • In the 1940s Bowser-Morner provided atmospheric chamber testing of aircraft parts to aid the war effort.
  • In the 1950s subsurface exploration and construction services operations were expanded to accommodate the post-WWII construction boom.
  • In the 1970s Bowser-Morner opened a regional office in Toledo, Ohio.
  • In the 1980s Bowser-Morner appointed its first full-time quality assurance manager and expanded its environmental testing and consulting capabilities.
  • Since the 1990s Bowser-Morner has expanded its aggregate testing capabilities and opened a laboratory in Springfield, Illinois.

Today, Bowser-Morner is able to serve a wide range of markets – agriculture, construction, education, energy, environmental protection, health care, industrial minerals, manufacturing, mining, materials disposal, transportation, and more – through our unique combination of engineering, construction, and analytical testing services. Our goal is to forge a trusted partnership with every client, and to treat each project, regardless of size, as critical to our mutual success.

For our architectural, civil, structural, and construction engineering clients, we help solve subsurface challenges with our knowledge of geotechnical conditions and our unmatched corporate library of historical subsurface records. We offer single source sub-surface exploration, engineering design, construction observation, materials testing, and environmental assessment and permitting services via our highly adept team of geotechnical engineers and field technicians. Our services are designed to help clients reduce geotechnical and materials risks that affect build-out costs and create project delays. We also assist in removing permitting hurdles to help bring projects to life more quickly and more confidently.

For our aggregate, industrial mineral, and material producer clients, we offer resource exploration and consulting geology services, plus a wide portfolio of laboratory services that are regularly audited and independently verified to ensure full confidence in the results we provide.

For our manufacturing clients, we provide an accredited independent laboratory to assist with QA, QC, and regulatory compliance needs. We help clients with their equipment calibration, metallurgical testing, strength and durability testing, freeze/thaw, and radon testing needs, consistently delivering accurate, repeatable results along with actionable recommendations that significantly reduce product and compliance risk.

Because of the communities and people our work impacts, we are steadfastly committed to the accuracy and integrity in our work, independent of outside business influences, in order to protect the environment and public at large.

Upcoming Event

February 05, 2025

Bowser-Morner returns to Indianapolis Feb. 5-7, 2025

The Indiana Mineral Aggregates Association brings together the state's aggregate producers and related industries for a two-day conference that is filled with learning, meeting new people in the business, and greeting old friends.