Permitting and monitoring services for industrial and municipal wastewater discharge

If your industrial operation or municipality discharges wastewater, trust Bowser-Morner to help you obtain and maintain the required National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. We’re your go-to source of expertise for eliminating permitting hassles and maintaining ongoing regulatory compliance.

At Bowser-Morner, our environmental specialists are well versed in the NPDES permitting process. We can help your organization quickly and efficiently obtain the permits you need and provide the ongoing monitoring and reporting services required to maintain your permits.

Should your facility ever experience a NPDES permit violation, we can even interact with the regulatory agency on your behalf and help create and implement a correction plan.

NPDES permitting and monitoring services include:

  • Assistance with industrial and stormwater permit applications and periodic renewals
  • Stormwater pollution prevention plan development
  • Inspections, documentation, and reporting to help you comply with the stormwater pollution prevention plan
  • Water discharge monitoring, sampling, analysis, and reporting
  • Assistance and support with correcting any permit violations

Key Personnel

Senior Hydrogeologist View Bio
Senior Environmental Specialist View Bio