Project Background
M&B Demolition Disposal, Inc. is a licensed construction and demolition debris (C&DD) landfill located along the Hocking River in Lancaster, Ohio. The facility began accepting debris prior to the inception of regulations for C&DD disposal facilities, so it was “grandfathered” under the current regulations. The M&B Demolition Disposal facility was performing annual detection monitoring of groundwater beneath the facility in compliance with OAC Rule 3745-400-10. 0n December 2, 2009 the Ohio EPA issued an Inter-Office Memorandum that identified increasing trends in the M&B monitoring network for several constituents that could be attributed to construction and demolition debris. Based on this potential impact to groundwater quality, the Fairfield County Department of Health issued an assessment monitoring order on July 2, 2010 Since this was one of the first C&DD site’s in Ohio ordered into assessment, M&B Demolition Disposal, Inc. called upon Bowser-Morner to provide the regulatory and technical expertise to guide them through the often lengthy and complicated assessment process.
Project Approach and Solutions
- Bowser-Morner designed and developed an Assessment Plan that met the regulatory requirements for determining rate, extent, and concentration of debris-derived constituents in the groundwater while maintaining the flexibility to identify alternate sources associated with the site’s hydrogeology.The Fairfield County Department of Health approved the plan with minor revisions pursuant to an August 27, 2010 Inter-Office Memorandum from the Ohio EPA.
- Implementation of the plan began with replacement of a downgradient well that was located within the limits of waste and redevelopment of the remaining wells within the monitoring network.In concurrence with the assessment samples from the monitoring network, Bowser-Morner also included results from a bedrock monitoring well located on an adjacent facility and surface water results from the Hocking River.
- Based upon an evaluation of groundwater analytical results and measurements taken from April 1998 through the first two assessment sampling events and comparison to the bedrock groundwater and the surface water analytical results, Bowser-Morner identified the rate, extent, and concentration of debris-derived constituents.Additionally, Bowser-Morner utilized their knowledge of the hydrogeologic system to demonstrate that the debris-derived influence to groundwater quality was not a risk to human health or the environment
- Bowser-Morner used the historic groundwater analytical results to develop a Site Monitoring Program that established site-specific response limits and groundwater protection standards to demonstrate acceptable risk to human health and the environment through an extended monitoring program.
Because of Bowser-Morner’s hydrogeologic knowledge and thorough understanding and experience of the C&DD industry and related regulations, M&B Demolition Disposal, Inc. concluded the assessment in a relatively short period of time (late 2012) and moved on to compliance monitoring, making it the first C&DD landfill in the state of Ohio to have successfully completed the assessment process.