Project Background
A confidential aggregate producer located in Indiana approached Bowser-Morner regarding conditions at their quarry facility. Notably, the presence of some clay in the bedrock formations. Bowser-Morner assembled a team comprised of subsurface exploration, consulting geology, and laboratory testing professionals to assist our client.
Project Approach
Bowser-Morner mobilized a three-man crew, a Mobile B-60 track rig, and a variety of support vehicles to the project site in Indiana. In advance of mobilization, Bowser-Morner constructed a PVC/Tarp windbreak system with a heat source to withstand the wind and cold temperatures, thereby improving production.
Five core holes were completed. The first core hole was taken from the bottom of the quarry and was cut off at 146.5 feet due to encountering artesian conditions. The remaining four core samples were advanced on the farm field surface above to depths ranging between 506.5 feet to 606.5 feet.
Value Add to Our Client
While the client assisted with difficult mobility issues by laying stone in place for improved access and water delivery, Bowser-Morner used pumps and a water trailer to haul from closer sources. Our experienced drill crew and geologist were also able to provide insight on production, formations, etc. to maximize production at the site.
After completion of the five core holes, Bowser-Morner’s aggregate geologist was called to the site to prepare the rock cores for geological logging and to complete geological logging. Our client was then shown the deleterious material that was present in otherwise good dolomite formations. The client was ultimately advised of sections to consider for ledge/bench breaks and given indicators of reserves moving forward.
In the end, Bowser-Morner’s in-house ability to deploy a complete team of professionals resulted in the seamless completion of the project on time and within budget.