Bowser-Morner completed a geotechnical study (subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, analysis and reporting) and special inspections for additions to The City of Piqua’s WWTP.
The purpose of the geotechnical study was to determine the physical characteristics of the soil strata, the depths to bedrock, and allowable bearing capacity for the proposed wastewater treatment plant additions. Also noted were other conditions that could affect the design and/or construction of these additions.
The additions include an influent sewer, an influent pump station, headworks/screen/grit facilities, oxidation ditches, secondary clarifiers, a splitter chamber (downstream of the oxidation ditches), a sludge thickening building, an effluent pump station, a post-aeration tank, a biosolids processing/ storage building, and a secondary control building.
To maintain project continuity and control costs, Bowser-Morner was retained directly by The City of Piqua to perform construction phase observation and testing of soils, concrete, rebar, grout, and mortar, including special inspections, required by Chapter 17 of The Ohio Building Code. As on most projects, multiple construction phases ran concurrently. Bowser-Morner was able to provide a 25 year experienced senior technician as project lead. The specifically trained staff serviced the project in an efficient manner helping keep the project on schedule and budget.